Doctoral School is tuition-free for all, irrespective of country of origin. After a candidate successfully completes the admission process and enrols in the PhD program, he or she will receive a monthly scholarship of ca. 3 076,53 PLN for the first two years of studies. After the doctoral student passes the mid-term evaluation, he or she will receive a scholarship of ca. 4,739,51 PLN. The total duration of the scholarship cannot exceed 4 (2 + 2) years. A doctoral student with disabilities will receive a doctoral scholarship increased by 30% of the basic amount (before the mid-term evaluation). We provide training in 19 disciplines.

The procedure for obtaining a doctoral degree is free of charge for all Doctoral School graduates.

Your degree gives access to doctoral studies or gives the right to start doctoral proceedings if it fulfils at least one of the following criteria:

  • gives access to doctoral studies or gives the right to start doctoral proceedings in the country where it was obtained;
  • confirms completion of a joint programme provided by foreign higher education institutions and gives access to doctoral studies or gives the right to start doctoral proceedings in at least one of the countries in the education of which it was provided is recognised on the basis of an international agreement.

Rest assured, a scientific degree awarded by an authorized institution operating in the education system of one of the EU, EFTA, OECD countries is recognized as equivalent to the appropriate Polish one. This recognition ensures that your academic achievements are not limited by geographical boundaries, providing you with a sense of security and confidence in your academic future.

A scientific degree acquired in other countries may be recognised as equivalent to a Polish one either based on an international agreement or (if there are no such agreements) by way of nostrification.

A Ph.D. degree is awarded to candidates who submit and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation before a thesis committee and pass a doctoral examination.

If you are interested in applying for the doctoral program at the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, please read more on website.



Doctoral School
University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
ul. Podchorążych 2, room 31C
30-084 Kraków
phone: + 48 12 662 64 41